

Major publications  from 1991 to 1995

Hori Y, Kashima K, Daa T, Yokoyama S, Nakayama I, Noguchi S
Relationship between cell proliferation activity and morphological characteristics of papillary microcarcinoma in the thyroid of Graves’ disease.
Pathol Int. 45(11): 846-853, 1995.

Tanaka T, Umeki K, Yamamoto I, Sakamoto F, Noguchi S, Ohtaki S
CD26 (dipeptidyl peptidase IV/DPP IV) as a novel molecular marker for differentiated thyroid carcinoma.
Int J Cancer. 64(5): 326-331, 1995.

Tanaka T, Umeki K, Yamamoto I, Kotani T, Sakamoto F, Noguchi S, Ohtaki S
c-Kit proto-oncogene is more likely to lose expression in differentiated thyroid carcinoma than three thyroid-specific genes: thyroid peroxidase, thyroglobulin, and thyroid stimulating hormone receptor.
Endocr J. 42(5): 723-728, 1995.

Nakahara H, Noguchi S, Murakami N, Morita M, Tamaru M, Ohnishi T, Hoshi H, Jinnouchi S, Nagamachi S, Futami S, Watanabe K
Graves ophthalmopathy: MR evaluation of 10-Gy versus 24-Gy irradiation combined with systemic corticosteroids.
Radiology. 196(3): 857-862, 1995.

Okamoto Y, Kashima K, Daa T, Yokoyama S, Nakayama I, Noguchi S
Morule with biotin-containing intranuclear inclusions in thyroid carcinoma.
Pathol Int. 45(8): 573-579, 1995.

Takahashi K, Kashima K, Daa T, Yokoyama S, Nakayama I, Noguchi S
Contribution of Epstein-Barr virus to development of malignant lymphoma of the thyroid.
Pathol Int. 45(5): 366-374, 1995.

Hiramatsu R, Abe M, Morita M, Noguchi S, Suzuki T
Generalized resistance to thyroid hormone: identification of a novel c-erbA beta thyroid hormone receptor variant (Leu450) in a Japanese family and analysis of its secondary structure by the Chou and Fasman method.
Jpn J Hum Genet. 39(4): 365-377, 1994.

Yamashita H, Noguchi S, Murakami N, Adachi M, Yasuoka Y, Wakiya S, Kitamura H
Effect of thyroid-stimulating hormone on cultured thyrocytes obtained from patients with Graves’ disease and inhibitive effect by sodium iodide: a functional study.
Pathol Int. 44(12): 827-831, 1994.

Noguchi S, Murakami N, Kawamoto H
Classification of papillary cancer of the thyroid based on prognosis.
World J Surg. 18(4): 552-557, 1994.

Morita M, Noguchi S, Kawamoto H, Tajiri J, Tamaru M, Murakami N
Thyroglobulin and lactic dehydrogenase isozymes in cystic fluid of thyroid nodules.
Endocr J. 41(3): 227-233, 1994.

Kodama M, Daa T, Kashima K, Yokoyama S, Nakayama I, Noguchi S
Immunohistochemical localization of acidic and basic fibroblast growth factors in human benign and malignant thyroid lesions.
Jpn J Clin Oncol. 24(2): 66-73, 1994.

Ohnishi T, Noguchi S, Murakami N, Tajiri J, Harao M, Kawamoto H, Hoshi H, Jinnouchi S, Futami S, Nagamachi S, Watanabe K
Extraocular muscles in Graves ophthalmopathy: usefulness of T2 relaxation time measurements.
Radiology. 190(3): 857-862, 1994.

Yamashita H, Noguchi S, Murakami N, Adachi M, Maruta J
Immunohistological differentiation of benign thyroid follicular cell tumors from malignant ones: usefulness of anti-peroxidase and JT-95 antibodies.
Acta Pathol Jpn. 43(11): 670-673, 1993.

Daa T, Kodama M, Kashima K, Yokoyama S, Nakayama I, Noguchi S
Identification of basic fibroblast growth factor in papillary carcinoma of the thyroid.
Acta Pathol Jpn. 43(10): 582-589, 1993.

Ohnishi T, Noguchi S, Murakami N, Jinnouchi S, Hoshi H, Futami S, Watanabe K
Detection of recurrent thyroid cancer: MR versus thallium-201 scintigraphy.
AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 14(5): 1051-1057, 1993.

Ohnishi T, Noguchi S, Murakami N, Nakahara H, Hoshi H, Jinnouchi S, Futami S, Nagamachi S, Watanabe K
Levator palpebrae superioris muscle: MR evaluation of enlargement as a cause of upper eyelid retraction in Graves disease.
Radiology. 188(1): 115-118, 1993.

Kashima K, Yokoyama S, Inoue S, Daa T, Kodama M, Nakayama I, Noguchi S
Mixed medullary and follicular carcinoma of the thyroid: report of two cases with an immunohistochemical study.
Acta Pathol Jpn. 43(7-8): 428-433, 1993.

Tajiri J, Noguchi S, Okamura S, Morita M, Tamaru M, Murakami N, Niho Y
Granulocyte colony-stimulating factor treatment of antithyroid drug-induced granulocytopenia.
Arch Intern Med. 153(4): 509-514, 1993.

Tajiri J, Noguchi S, Morita M, Tamaru M, Murakami T, Murakami N
Serum sialic acid levels in the diagnosis and follow-up of subacute granulomatous thyroiditis.
Endocr J. 40(1): 83-87, 1993.

Murakami T, Taniguchi Y, Noguchi S, Nakanishi K, Matsuura B, Kitai K, Ohta Y
Identification of metastatic carcinoma in the thyroid by determination of thyroglobulin level in aspirates and ultrasonic findings.
Intern Med. 32(1): 46-49, 1993.

Yamashita H, Noguchi S, Murakami N, Tsuji K, Yamaoka N, Sakamoto A
DNA ploidy and stromal bone formation as prognostic indicators of thyroid papillary carcinoma in aged patients: a retrospective study.
Acta Pathol Jpn. 43(1-2): 22-27, 1993.

Ohnishi T, Noguchi S, Murakami N, Harao M, Jinnouchi S, Hoshi H, Futami S, Nagamachi S, Watanabe K
Early and delayed imaging of Tc-99m HMPAO versus Tl-201 in benign and malignant thyroid tumors. Similar uptake but different retention.
Clin Nucl Med. 17(10): 806-811, 1992.

Ohnishi T, Noguchi S, Murakami N, Jinnouchi S, Hoshi H, Futami S, Watanabe K
MR imaging in patients with primary thyroid lymphoma.
AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 13(4): 1196-1198, 1992.

Yamashita H, Noguchi S, Murakami N, Toda M, Adachi M, Daa T.
Immunohistological study of nonfunctional parathyroid carcinoma. Report of a case.
Acta Pathol Jpn. 42(4): 279-285, 1992.

Murakami T, Tajiri J, Noguchi S, Murakami N, Kato R, Taniguchi Y, Ohta Y
Prediction of the outcome of postoperative hypocalcemia in Graves’ disease.
Endocrinol Jpn. 39(1): 103-107, 1992.

Tajiri J, Noguchi S, Morita M, Tamaru M, Murakami N, Kato R
Serum free triiodothyronine to free thyroxine ratio enables early prediction of the outcome of antithyroid drug therapy in patients with Graves’ hyperthyroidism.
Endocrinol Jpn. 38(6): 683-687, 1991.

Ohnishi T, Noguchi S, Murakami N, Tajiri J, Morita M, Tamaru M, Hoshi H, Watanabe K
Pentavalent technetium-99m-DMSA uptake in a patient having multiple myeloma without amyloidosis.
J Nucl Med. 32(9): 1785-1787, 1991.

Tajiri J, Noguchi S, Morita M, Tamaru M, Murakami N
Antithyroid drug therapy for Graves’ hyperthyroidism: is long-term administration of a small maintenance dose necessary?
Endocrinol Jpn. 38(2): 223-227, 1991.